Grand Christmas Celebration of 2018

News / 25 December 2018

Christmas is about giving like Father gave His Son and Son gave His life for us. On 9th Dec 2018, we celebrated Christmas with around 1200 audiences including Children, Youth, Mothers and family members of staff. Our guests were Mr. Robin Lahiri, Mrs. & Mr. Manjit Titus and Mrs. & Mr. Sanjay Sahu.

Our Project Women and staff also represented a beautiful paradigm of unity by performing a graceful Qawwali dance.

Our Women from Women Empowerment project showcased an influential performance. That was a Fashion show with an impactful message against Women’s vulnerable condition in India. It brought everyone’s attention towards the stage. The women, most of who are working as daily wage labor or maidservant; who have never been to such stage show program and never dreamed of presenting their talent in front of the large gathering. They were so thrilled and excited to perform the fashion show in front of almost 1200 people. For them it was like an Oscar winning experience. These were the women represented those helpless abused women peers, who face Domestic Violence, Child Marriages, Child Abuse, Rape, Triple Talak (Divorce) and other Social evils and stigma. This was the showstopper and we witnessed tears in the eyes of all those presented. When the women lifted up the placards with slogans and the background song supported this cause by singing we will not tolerate these anymore and we need our right to live like others.

Our guests were mesmerized that how they are availing this lifetime opportunity to showcase their talent. They were glued to the performances lineup one by one in sync and loaded with talent and expressions of message through their performance. As per our Guests, they were thrilled watching the dance of Smash Hunger Children. As per him, no one can identify these children are slum dwellers and living in undreamed vulnerable conditions. He announced this, as an achievement for Supreme Task Team to provide a platform to these children and transform their lives from slum residence to stage performers.

We appreciated the dedication and wonderful coordination of our team. We thank to our almighty God for being with us. Let his grace be upon all of us forever.